CRM System Training Services
CRM Consultants offering a range of expert CRM System Training in London, Birmingham & across the UK
Adequate User Training is at the heart of any IT project successful implementation where you need to ensure that users are having to adjust or understand new processes and ways of working. This is especially critical in CRM projects.
There are a number of considerations here to include the Types and Role of your users, be they Sales, Marketing, Customer Service or Management. To cope with this we have a variety of training course and agendas for each software, although traditionally these fall into the following areas:
CRM User Foundation Training
Your core users will need to understand how to use the system effectively and we recommend that all users receive a good introduction to both the CRM concept, project rationale and how to use the basic system on a day to day basis.

This can range from creation of records, importance of completing a record (management and marketing perspective here) to navigating and using the CRM to record daily activities etc.
When training, we advocate the use of CRM Playbooks to support any standard User Manuals on specific processes or action. See the Related links for free download on this subject.
Advanced or Customised Intermediate CRM Training
Here, our training will tend to be focused around either specific processes or subjects, so typically Marketing may have their own training section to understand their part of the system to maximise its use. These users are chosen to become 'power' or 'champion' users since in their role they need to acquire a greater depth of knowledge and will support other users.
We are frequently asked to develop custom training modules or to create custom training agendas, often when a system has been in place and either an area needs to be developed or understood better. This often happens with Campaigns and advanced functionality which is not used daily.
Administrator Training
As stated above, successful projects have their own 'champion' users and these are often trained to become your own internal Administrators who can then manage day to day customisation changes, such as field creation, changing user settings etc as well as perform other activities. Generally, we recommend a minimum of two users to support and counterbalance each other.
CRM Coaching
CRM Coaching is a relatively new concept introduced during our in-house and public LinkedIn training courses in 2013, but now extended to our CRM consultancy and training as this works!
Increasingly, we have found that clients want smaller training delivery time modules or ‘bite size’ chunks. This aims to bridge the gap between more intensive training with an action plan and follow-up based on that individual or clients requirements.
Social CRM Training
Many clients are now embedding their Social Media activities with their CRM system, CRMC offer a range of coaching and training services with regular LinkedIn Public Workshops in Worcester and London to help sales and marketing teams start to create Social CRM Action Plans, based on individuals own input. Workshop and Coaching can take place on a Client's own premises when a company wide view and strategy is required.
We now run monthly LinkedIn for Business Results workshops and also company sales team in-house workshops. Find out More
Report Writing Training and Workshops
Often, the quality of your reports are critical to enable management to digest and interrogate the CRM system, this is usually a separate area for training and can range from in-house writing of reports on the system, Dashboard design to Crystal Report writing courses.
We have developed Workshops which help your user to often develop their own Reports with our help and this can range from standard CRM reports to SRS Reports and even Crystal Reports. The choice of Report may depend on your existing systems.
Reports and their design are a key consideration when conducting Scoping Workshops .